Friday, December 7, 2007

Favorite Blog Fridays

I'm starting something new on this blog. Once a week, I'll share with all six of you (ha!) who check this blog some of the other blogs I check a lot. Okay, more like stalk.

You may already be familiar with the concept of "blog stalking," best defined as constantly checking a person's blog to see if there is a new photo of their dog, their kid, their client, their house ... you get the idea. Trust me, it's addicting. And now that I live in a house with no cable, blog stalking has replaced those mindless hours I used to spend with the witty Joel McHale and his Talk Soup.

For the most part, these mentions will focus on other photographers whose work I admire. But on occasion, I'll give a nod to some other kinds of blogs/sites I've come to appreciate while navigating this crazy thing we call the Web.

First up? A few of you may already know about Heather Armstrong and her popular blog, but I'd never heard of her before this summer, when I randomly (which is how we find most things on the Internet, right?) stumbled across it.

Then, I couldn't stop reading it -- for hours on end. Heather's sarcastic and self-deprecating sense of humor really caught my attention (as did her hilarious daily photo opps with her dog, Chuck). Nowadays, she writes a lot about her daughter, Leta, (as she notes, rhymes with "pita") and her newsletters (which you can find via a search at the bottom of her home page) are some of the most refreshing yet touching musings on motherhood I've ever read.

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