Saturday, May 3, 2008

We finished - INJURY FREE!!

Nick and I just got back from running the Indy Mini Marathon this morning. And the best part? I FEEL FANTASTIC!!!

This will be a short post (sorry, I didn't want to drag an expensive camera along to sneak a crowd shot when I was more focused on putting one foot in front of the other -- and not tripping over the other 35,000 runners!) but I'm so happy with how things went this year.

Nick and I ran the 13.1 miles in a respectable 2:13, keeping up about a 10:10 mile. That is a few minutes better than when we did this in '06 and more importantly, I didn't develop a stress fracture this year after Mile 10! :)

To me, running the Mini is about more than just running but knowing I can do something that even up until that gun went off, I still wasn't sure I could do. Breaking down a mental barrier like that? Well, it's one of the best accomplishments in the world.

I hope you all can experience something like that in your life. And if it's not by conquering the physical exertion of something like a long-distance race, well, making the world's best marinara sauce or finally finishing that bathroom remodel should count too.


Jon said...

Tell it!

Gail said...

Thanks Jon -- and I'm super proud of you (is that like, weird, since I'm not your mom? ha) -- I mean, you get in an accident that shatters your pelvis a year ago and here you are, 14 months later STILL whooping my butt when it comes to this running busines. You da man!