Sunday, November 18, 2007

Baby oh baby!

What a busy weekend! I was all over the state this weekend, from Friday's trip to Fort Wayne to see my niece in her show choir dinner theater (a blog entry of which is to come!) to today's trip to West Lafayette to attend the baby shower of my cousin-in-law Julia.

It was a fun day, filled with plenty of the laughs, oohs, awws and coos typical of most baby showers. Julia and her husband, Dan, are expecting a little boy, Zayne, on Christmas Eve! Talk about the best kind of Christmas present!

I'm so happy for them both and I have no doubt this baby is going to be a cutie!

Julia had toys from her childhood there with her for the day -- including this baby Pooh!

Julia loves frogs -- which means Zayne likely will too!

We played the game where you "guess" how big the mom-to-be is
(that's Julia's mom, Aunt Jacalyn, on the left)

My guess was RIGHT on the money!

She has that beautiful pregnancy glow!

Isn't this cake AMAZING? Made by the cake decorator who made Julia's wedding cake ...
(if you look closely -- even the blanket the bear sits on is made of fondant)

And I couldn't finish this entry without a photograph of Stewie, the pit bull pup that belongs to Julia's brother, (cousin) Christopher. What a face!!!


Anonymous said...

You really captured the atmosphere. I love the expressions on their faces. Where did they get the cake - it's beautiful!

Gail said...

I know - isn't it awesome? I guess it was made by the same lady who made their wedding cake (which I never saw because they got married the same weekend in 2005 a cousin of mine back home did). Anyway, it tasted yummy too -- fondant included!